WGSD K-5 Elementary Progress Report Parent Resources
Webster Groves School District progress reports are designed to monitor and promote the district’s mission of 'academic and personal success for every student.’ Teachers use a variety of measures to evaluate student progress through the year including class assignments, reading analyses, teacher observations and tests. This progress report is one of many tools (others include conferences, portfolios, and work sent home) used to communicate information about your child’s academic and personal success. It will be distributed three times during the school year and will show your child’s performance on the most important strategies and content of his or her grade level.
Over the past few years, the school district, with the help of teachers, parents, and community members, explored the existing elementary progress report and possibilities for improving it. Following this exploratory process, the group settled on a few changes which would serve as the first prototype implemented during the 15-16 school year. Throughout the year, different stakeholders including parents and teachers will be given the opportunity to give feedback regarding these changes. Below are a few of the primary changes being trialed this year:
- aligning the progress report with the newly updated district curriculum (learning goals and proficiency scales),
- marking where students are currently at (not projected to be) with the end of year learning goals (curricular expectations),
- removing the "overall performance" sections, and
- accessing the progress report online via the parent portal beginning 2nd semester (paper copies made available upon request).